Mind Body Services Banner

Current Class Schedule



We will gladly add classes to our schedule (even online ones!) if we have 3+ people interested in a different class time.


Day Time Level Teacher
Mon 5-6:30pm Restorative Citrinī
Thurs 6:30-8pm All Levels Citrinī
Sun (once/month)** 10am-11:30am Levels 3 & 4* Citrinī

Obtain and print the class schedule as a PDF file.
* Prior TriYoga experience is strongly suggested for Levels 2, 3 & 4. Please check here for dates and times of classes.
** Sunday Level 3 and 4 classes are paused for the mOMent. We will return to them in October 2024..

Classes on Mondays, 5-6:30pm, and Thursdays, 6:30-8pm, are in person only. There are Level 3 and Level 4 classes (roughly) once/month on Sunday, 10-11:30am (in person or online); none are currently scheduled, but look for a return of Level 3 in October. If you are new to the studio, and would like to attend in person, or if you would like information on how to join our classes online, please contact us. All classes are by donation (seva) and Venmo, Zelle, Paypal friends & family payments are being accepted, as well as payments via the Paypal buttons below. More than ever before, we need yoga and meditation practices that reduce our anxiety and stress, center ourselves in the present and in the breath, ground us, promote healthy practices for body-mind-spirit and healing on all levels, promoting the best functioning of our immune system, and connect us to our true selves, the Universal, and our interconnectedness with each other and nature. Now is the time to begin, establish, or renew our commitment to daily healthy practices. ~ in the flow ~

Please contact the studio if you and some friends are interested in other class times! We will enthusiastically add classes for 3+ students!


Replay of classes

We have NEW REPLAY MEMBERSHIPS for past online classes. A monthly low-cost membership gets you UNLIMITED access to replays in TriYoga Basics, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 or TriYoga Kids classes. These include all series taught at these levels plus 108 series and combination (medley) series. More class replays will be added over time, yet right now Basics includes 17 classes, Level 1 includes 29 classes, Level 2 includes 28 classes, Level 3 includes 3 classes (...more to come...) and TriYoga Kids includes 12 classes! (Until we add more replays, Level 3 replays are available as part of any membership that includes Level 2).

A low $5/month for each individual level or
$9/month for 2 levels or
$10.80/month for all 3 (adult) levels!

For more information and to purchase: https://courses.mindbodyservices.com/replay_order_form




Gerry in Swan


Because yoga teachings are considered priceless, classes will be offered according to seva, meaning “offering” or “service for the benefit of others.” This is the essence of karma yoga, the yogic practice of “selfless service.” The amount you pay will be determined by the value you place on the teachings and by what your financial circumstances permit. Through the practice of seva, students support the teacher and the center, allowing the teacher to provide the teachings and the studio to operate financially. Please remember that your donation will be used to financially support the teacher and the expenses involved in running the center (e.g., electricity, water, mortgage, insurance, taxes, township and state fees, etc). For this arrangement to be mutually beneficial, you are asked to seriously consider what you are able to give for the teaching. Please insert your donation in the seva container; no one will know what you gave except you. (Note: if you require a receipt, please give payment directly to the teacher and ask for a receipt for the exact amount).

Online payment

Classes are by donation (according to seva), so drop-down options below are merely suggested amounts.

Group Yoga Class Registration
For which class?



Online purchase of Gift Certificates

Classes are by donation (according to seva), so drop-down options below are merely suggested amounts.

Gift Certificates for Group Yoga Classes
Enter recipient's name
Enter recipient's contact info

If you are purchasing a gift certificate, please provide us with the recipient's name and contact information (address, email, phone numbers). Please specify whether you'd prefer the gift certificate to be sent to them via the postal service or via email.


Class in Extended Toe Stretch



New students must provide the studio with their contact information (i.e., name, address, phone, email). You are welcome to join classes at any time.



TriYoga figures

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