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Yoga-Related Resources

Free teachings | Social media | YouTube | Replay classes | Books & articles by Citrini | Websites | DVDs | Readings


Free Teachings:

Click here for FREE meditations & flow classes for adults and children with Citrini.


Our Social Media pages:

You Tube


Instagram for Dr. Citrini Devi

Instagram for TriYogaPhilly




Free Classes:

Diwali: Light-filled class from 11/14/2020 (1 hour, 30 minutes)

Earth 108(1) from 10/31/2020 (1 hour, 30 minutes)

Surrendering, balancing, & heart-centered flow based on Level 1, 5-3 from 10/24/2020 (35 minutes)

Level 1, 4(1) from 10/14/2020 (1 hour, 30 minutes)

Basics 5 (wall-based) from 10/3/2020 (1 hour, 30 minutes)

Gentle reclined spring sequence from 1, 5(3) spring from 7/18/2020 (22 minutes)

Opening pranayama & gentle reclined Basics flow from 7/1/2020 (20 minutes)

All Levels flow from 6/6/2020 (1 hour 30 minutes)

Basics Breathing practices (8 minutes)

Opening pranayama: Sahaja, Purna, Ujjayi (8 minutes)

Kids Basic Breathing (5.5 minutes)

TriAgni & TriVayu Agni (26 minutes)

TriAgni & Valaya Agni (26 minutes)

TriAgni, TriVayu, Kumbhaka (31 minutes)

Yoga Nidra/Deep Relaxation (3 minutes)

Yoga Nidra/Deep Relaxation, Surya Candra, Nada Pasyanti, Meditation (20 minutes)

Flow Demonstrations from TriYoga hOMe Philadelphia or with Citrini:

Basics Gentle Wave ©

Basics 108 Salutation ©

Gentle Wave and Flowing Cobras

Pranam Salutation ©

Surya Namaskara © - Sun Salutation

Pañca Bow Flow with variations

Fish Flow

Cobra Flow

Gate Flow

Palm Tree Flow

Wall Hang Flow

Camel Flow

Tortoise Fish and Camel Flow

Swan Flow

Swan Thigh Stretch and Frog Flow

Wheel Flow

Hip Extensions

Standing: Triangle, Side Warriors, Extended Warriors, Rotated Triangle...

Standing: Warrior Bow, Side T Balance...

Standing: Lifted Air Flow: Raised Runner, Raised Mountain, Extended Raised Mountain...

Standing: Runner variations - right side

Standing: Runner's Twist Flow

Pyramid Flow

Basic Bridge and Reverse Slant Flow

Reverse Slant to L Seat Tortoise Flow

Swan 2 to Triangle Seat Flow

Hanuman Flow

V Seat and Stick to Plow

Toe and Ankle Stretches

Leg Stretch

Level 4 Leg Stretch

Bow, Frogs, Stretched Bows

Rolls: Slow and Quick Roll Backs

Rolls: Roll Downs

Rolls: Plow Flow

Rolls: Cakra and Plow

Turns: Swan, Tortoise, and Camel

Turns: Seated Pyramid Cross Squat Turn Flow

Turns: from Facedown

Twists: Seated Flow

Standing Balancing: Tree, Half Stance, Pelican

Standing Balancing:T Balance & Flying T Balance

Standing Balancing: Leg and Dancer Stretch, Half Lotus, Eagle

Arm Balancing: Side Slant Flow

Arm Balancing: Star and Crow Flow

Arm Balancing: Cross Balance and Flying Eagle Flow

Inversions: Wall-Supported Flows

Inversions: Forearm Stand and L Mountain Flows

Inversions: Bridge Lift and Inverted Bridge Flow

Inversions: Headstand and Shoulderstand Flows

Inversions: Tortoise-Pyramid Lift-Forearm Stand Jumps Flow

Inversions: V-Shoulderstand and Tripod V-Headstand Flow

Inversions: Tortoise Shoulderstand Flow

Inversions: Headstand Eagle Flow

Reclined Spinal Rotations - side view

Reclined Spinal Rotations

Air Flow - July 2011 - spring, summer, autumn - view 1

Air Flow - July 2011 - winter - view 1

Air Flow - July 2011 - spring and summer sequence - view 2

Air Flow - July 2011 - autumn and winter sequence - view2


From other TriYogis:

Devi Dance by Kaliji in Kyoto, Japan

Devi Dance by Kaliji in Singapore

TriYoga Flow with Bindu - Clifton Beach, Cape Town, South Africa

Earth 108 Free the Hips and Spine with Mitradeva

TriYoga Free the Spine with Brahmi

Interview with Yogini Kaliji by Brahmi

TriYoga Flow Salutation

Excerpt from Earth Flow DVD

Excerpt from Water Flow DVD

Excerpt from Fire Flow DVD

Excerpt from Air Flow DVD

Excerpt from TriYoga Kids DVD


Replay of classes

We have NEW replay memberships. A monthly low-cost membership gets you UNLIMITED access to replays in TriYoga Basics, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. These include all series taught at these levels plus 108 series and combination (medley) series. More class replays will be added over time, yet right now Basics includes 16 classes, Level 1 includes 27 classes and Level 2 includes 24 classes! (We are building the Level 3 replays, and these currently come FREE with any replay order that includes Level 2).

A low $5/month for each individual level or
$9/month for 2 levels or
$10.80/month for all 4 levels!

For more information and to purchase with this offer, click here.

Adult Basics, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and All Levels classes (generally 1.5 hours)
All series (Basics series 1-5 and 108s, all 3 condensed versions of series 1-5 of Level 1 and 2 and mixed series classes) are available. Some Level 2 Extended Practices with Prana Vidya (2 hours).

Children's classes - please request access
in English (1/2 hour) - all involve breathing (pranayama), Flows (as detailed), and yoga nidra (deep relaxation):
- April 11, 2020
- with Cat Rolls, Cobras, Gentle Wave, Cat Bow 2, Flowing Cobra 1, Bridge, Reclined Twist
- April 13, 2020 - with Cat Rolls, Cobras, Cobra Boat, Boat, Bow, Bridge, Reclined Twist
- April 17, 2020 - with Cat Rolls, Gate, Side Warror and Warrior Gate, Cakra & Plows Rolls, Reclined Twist
- April 20, 2020 - with Cat Rolls, Extended Cat, Half Locust & Locust, Bridge Rolls, Reclined Twist
- April 27, 2020 - with Cat Rolls, Cat Bow 2, Mountain, Rolls & Extended Squat Rolls, Spider, Bridge, Hip Side Stretch
- May 4, 2020 - with Butterfly Fish, Fish, Tortoise, Tortoise Bow, Tortoise Fish, Camel 1 Rolls, Cakra & Plow Rolls, Bridge, Reclined Twist

- May 18, 2020 - with Gentle Wave, Forward Bend, Rolls Backs, Hip Side Stretch
in French (30-45 minutes):
Please contact for available options

Books & articles written by Citrini:

Devi, C.N. (2024). The Flow Finds a Way: Messages and Poetry from Spirit.

Devi, C.N. (2022). The Mystical Garden: A Yoga-Based Journey through Nature.

Ware, C. J. (2009, updated 2013). Why yoga, massage, and psychotherapy in a medical building? Download PDF. (Article written for and published by Mind-Body Services).

Ware, C. J. (2009, July/Aug). Relaxing into motherhood with prenatal yoga and massage. Yoga Living, 11(1), 40. Download PDF.

Ware, C. (2009, winter). Times of transition: Adapting to change.The Connection: The Birth Center Newsletter, 6. Download PDF.

Ware, C. J. (2007, July/Aug). The intersection of yoga and psychotherapy. Yoga Living, 9(1), 30, 32-33, 49. Download PDF.

Ware, C. J. (2007, June). Yoga and psychotherapy. Yoga Therapy in Practice, 3(2), 15-17. Download PDF.

Ware, C. J. (2007, Jan/Feb). Yoga, meditation, and psychotherapy. Yoga Living, 8(4), 12-13. Download PDF.

Ware, C. (2006, Nov/Dec). Yoga for children and adolescents.Yoga Living, 8(3), 28. Download PDF.


Websites of Interest:

Sites related to Kali Ray TriYoga

TriYoga website

TriYoga Center of Central Pennsylvania website (State College, PA) and Theresa Shay

Devi Yoga Center (Sebastopol, CA) and Kashi

Datta Peetham website & information about Swamiji (Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji)

Sanskrit Academy

Other yoga-related sites

Yoga Alliance

Lifeforce Yoga and information about Amy Weintraub

International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT)

Suppliers of yoga props and items


Recommended DVDs and Videos:

From Kali Ray TriYoga:

Free the Hips DVD

Free the Spine DVD

Strengthening DVD

Gentle Cardio DVD

Yoga for Kids DVD

Yoga for Two DVD

Seniors DVD

Level 1 (The science of body-mind health and fitness) VHS


Favorite Readings:

Ajaya, Swami (Ed.). (1977). Meditational therapy. Glenview, IL: Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science & Philosophy of USA.

Calais-Germain, B. (1993). Anatomy of movement. Seattle, WA: Eastland Press.

Clifford, T. (1984). Tibetan Buddhist medicine and psychiatry: The diamond healing. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, Inc.

Cope, S. (1999).Yoga and the quest for the true self. New York: Bantam Books.

Coulter, H.D. (2001). Anatomy of hatha yoga: A manual for students, teachers, and practitioners. Honesdale, PA: Body and Breath, Inc.

Epstein, M. (1995). Thoughts without a thinker: Psychotherapy from a Buddhist perspective. New York: Basic Books.

Feuerstein (1996). The Shambhala guide to yoga. Boston, MA: Shambhala Publications, Inc.

Gannon, S. & Life, D. (2002). Jivamukti yoga. New York: Ballantine Books.

Gannon, S. & Life, D. (2002). The art of yoga. New York: Stewart, Tabori, & Chang.

Goldstein, J. (1976). The experience of insight: A simple and direct guide to Buddhist meditation. Boston, MA: Shambhala Publications, Inc.

Heriza, N. (2004). Dr. Yoga: A Complete Program for Discovering the Head-to-toe Health Benefits of Yoga. New York, NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin.

Khalsa, D.S. & Stauth, C. (2001). Meditation as medicine: Activate the power of your natural healing force. New York: Fireside.

L’Engle, M. (1996). Glimpses of grace: Daily thoughts and reflections. New York: HarperSanFrancisco of HarperCollins Publishers.

Molino, A. (1998). The Couch and the tree: Dialogues in psychoanalysis and Buddhism. New York: North Point Press.

Nhat Hanh, T. (1995). Living Buddha, Living Christ. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.

Prabhavanada, S. & Isherwood, C. (1981). How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali. Hollywood, CA: Vedanta Society of Southern California.

Rahula, W. (1974). What the Buddha taught. New York: Grove Press.

Rama, S., Ballentine, R., & Ajaya, S. (1976). Yoga and psychotherapy: The evolution of consciousness. Honesdale, PA: Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy.

Ramaswami, S. (1989). Yoga and healing. In A. A. Sheikh & K. S. Sheikh (Eds.), Healing east and west: Ancient wisdom and modern psychology (pp.33-63). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Sivananda Yoga Center. (2000). The Sivananda companion to yoga. New York: Fireside.

Sparrowe, L. (2002). Yoga. Westport, CT: Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, Inc.

Walsh, R. (1989). Asian psychotherapies. In R. J. Corsini, & D. Wedding (Eds.), Current psychotherapies (4th ed., pp.547-559). Itasca, IL: F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc.

Weintraub, A. (2004). Yoga for depression: A compassionate guide to relieve suffering through yoga. New York: Broadway Books.

Welwood, J. (2000). Toward a psychology or awakening: Buddhism, psychotherapy, and the path of personal and spiritual transformation. Boston, MA: Shambhala Publications, Inc.

Yogananda, P. (1946). Autobiography of a yogi. Los Angeles, CA: Self-Realization Fellowship.



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